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    Has Your Car Air Conditioning Stopped Keeping You Cool

    Has Your Car Air Conditioning Stopped Keeping You Cool


    Throughout the colder months in the Brisbane area. Most people don’t give any thought to their car conditioner. But when things begin to heat up, many switch on the air conditioner only to find out that it no longer puts out cold air. Putting your hand in front of it may let you know there is a problem, but it is not at all going to help you with the solution!

    There are several reasons why a car’s air conditioner may stop working or putting out cold air. These can include such problems as:

    • Leaks or a thermal expansion valve in need of replacement
    • Worn or broken hoses or belt
    • Compressor clutch that is slipping
    • A broken condenser or compressor
    • Needing a regas (this is required every 1.5-2 years on average)


    Has Your Car Air Conditioning Stopped Keeping You Cool


    So one of the main reasons that an air conditioner stops putting out cold air. Is that people have not kept up with their routine maintenance. For a car air conditioner to keep working well, putting out a cold breeze on a hot day. It needs to be taken care of. The most important thing you can do to take care of your car’s air conditioner. Is to get routine inspections and keep up on maintenance.

    Leaks, worn hoses, and a variety of other possibilities. Can lead to your car air conditioner not putting out cold air. To get the cold air back, it is essential to get it serviced. At Keepin’ Cool Auto Air Conditioning we can conduct an inspection. So to locate the problem quickly, fix it, and then have you on your way in a cold car.

    Throughout the year in Brisbane, not just in the summertime, it is essential that people turn their car air conditioner on regularly. It will keep it working better as well as well as keeping the system from beginning to deteriorate while it sits waiting for the warmer summer season.

    So at Keepin’ Cool, our fully qualified air conditioning technicians can give you a detailed report on the condition of your system and help you out with any necessary repairs and maintenance. We want to get your vehicle air conditioning working to its optimal performance, so make an appointment to see us today!

    Here you will find a list of some vehicle types we carry out and Car Aircon Regas Service. If your vehicle type is not on the list, please give us a call:

    Please call to discuss your specific requirement, or if you like free advice on your vehicle air conditioning problem, then we would be most pleased to talk with you. Alternatively, ask a question using the Contact Form.